8 Rahasia Membuat Resume Dari Ahlinya

8 Rahasia Membuat Resume Dari Ahlinya

Rata-rata perekrut hanya menghabiskan 15 detik melihat resume sobat. Itu waktu yang singkat dalam hal ini. Sobat dapat membaca setiap buku dan posting blog untuk mencoba untuk mencari tahu apa yang mereka cari, tetapi taktik terbaik adalah pergi langsung ke sumbernya. Career Advice ini dikutip dari Levo League .

Sumber : Kepala Layanan Profesional perusahaan Karir Polandia, Inc, Lisa K. McDonald.
  1. Jangan Buat Hanya Satu Resume

  2. Lisa bilang satu resume tidak tepat untuk setiap pekerjaan tunggal yang sobat lamar. Jangan memperlakukan resume sobat sebagai satu ukuran yang cocok untuk semua pekarjaan. Sobat harus memiliki resume awal, atau konsep kerja. Halaman resume bisa menjadi tiga atau lebih dan poin-poin harus mencakup setiap arah yang sobat inginkan. Jika sobat sedang mempertimbangkan peluang dalam pelatihan, manajemen proyek atau posisi teknis pastikan bahwa sobat mencakup semua basis dalam draft kerja. Resume yang sobat buat harus khusus ditujukan untuk posisi yang sobat lamar pada waktu itu.

  3. Apel Dengan Apel, Bukan Jeruk

  4. Jangan buang waktu perekrut dengan informasi yang tidak berhubungan dengan pekerjaan yang di lamar. Jika posisi masa lalu sobat tidak cocok untuk posisi yang sobat lamar, tapi ada unsur kesamaan dalam bidang pekerjaan untuk posisi baru itu. Pikirkan aturan 80/20. Luangkan 80% dari diri sobat untuk fokus pada interaksi secara langsung langsung dan 20% untuk mendukung informasi. Sobat ingin membangun hubungan dan memungkinkan perekrut untuk melihat sobat dalam peran ini sehingga memudahkan bagi mereka untuk berbicara langsung dengan apa yang mereka cari berdasarkan pengalaman sobat.

  5. Keberhasilan Kerja Adalah Kebalikan Dari Ketentuan Bursa Saham

  6. Lisa bilang "kinerja masa lalu bukan merupakan indikator kesuksesan di masa mendatang," tapi sebaliknya berlaku bagi calon - kesuksesan masa lalu merupakan indikator kesuksesan masa depan. Jika sobat pernah melakukan sebelumnya atau dengan perusahaan yang lain, apakah sobat bisa melakukannya lagi. Sayangnya pencari kerja keliru berpikir bahwa keberhasilan hanya hal-hal yang bisa tangible (berwujud) atau diukur, dengan kata lain dalam jumlah . Tidak begitu. Sobat dapat membawa nilai dan manfaat dengan cara tidak intangible (tak berwujud). Misalnya membangun keterlibatan, meningkatkan komunikasi, meningkatkan efisiensi - ini adalah segala sesuatu yang merupakan komponen penting, tetapi tidak dapat diukur dalam persentase. Bagaimana sobat menambahkan nilai - mencari tahu dan membiarkan pembaca tahu!

  7. Menulis ke Masa Depan, Jangan Pengulangan Masa Lalu

  8. Resume terlalu sering mendeskripsikan pekerjaan sebelumnya. Dengan hal ini massalah menjadi tiga kali lipat.
    • Apa sobat dipekerjakan untuk melakukan hal yang monoton / tidak berubah-ubah.
    • Sebuah deskripsi pekerjaan memberitahukan apa sobat pantas diterima untuk melakukan pekerjaan itu.
    • Ini memberitahu apa-apa tentang nilai yang sobat miliki sebagai seorang individu. Orang lain mungkin telah memegang posisi yang sama tapi bagaimana sobat dapat melakukannya dengan lebih baik? Terserah kepada sobat untuk memberitahu perekrut dengan cara yang baik.
    Ambil resume sobat, rubah sekarang. Jika sobat tidak dapat menjelaskan bagaimana sobat memiliki nilai tambah dalam menjalankan tugas sobat, maka perekrut tidak memiliki ketertarikan pada resume Anda.

  9. Jangan Melebih-lebihkan

  10. Sekali lagi untuk mengingatkan sobat, secara umum perekrut menghabiskan rata-rata 15 detik melihat resume. Di sinilah pernyataan yang kuat, atau nilai jual skill sobat. Lisa menyebut awal resume adalah sebuah nilai jual sobat. Sobat harus mengatur kata untuk pembaca, apa yang sobat bisa berikan dan posisi yang  sobat lamar. Jangan lupa untuk menyertakan nama posisi atau jabatan. Pembaca dapat meninjau resume untuk beberapa posisi yang berbeda dan sobat tidak ingin mereka harus mencoba untuk menebak mana yang sobat targetkan. Waktu mereka yang berharga - buatlah mudah untuk mereka.

  11. Berikan Jawaban Untuk Pertanyaan Yang Penting

  12. Salah satu unsur yang penting dalam nilai jual adalah apa yang sobat bisa berikan. Pembaca memiliki satu pertanyaan mendasar: apa yang dapat sobat lakukan untuk saya? Pertama jawab pertanyaan itu dan terutama mengatur isi untuk sisa resume yang dapat mendukung pernyataan tersebut. Ini bukan soal membiarkan mereka menghubungkan titik-titik, ini merupakan harapan untuk memimpin mereka dalam melihat sobat, dan hanya sobat, yang mereka inginkan untuk mengisi posisi tersebut. Sepanjang resume terus menjawab pertanyaan ini dengan menunjukkan daripada menyatakan. Katakan sobat dapat melakukan dan menyelesaikan tugas bukan menyampaikan bahwa sobat telah menguasai keterampilan. Menceritakan bagaimana sobat melakukannya, dengan siapa sobat bekerja dan nilai tambah untuk membangun kredibilitas. Ini menunjukkan sobat tahu tujuan dan bagaimana hal itu menambah nilai kepada pelanggan sobat, perusahaan dan anggota tim.

  13. Jangan Hanya Mengandalkan Teknologi

  14. Spell check tidak selalu teman sobat. Luangkan waktu untuk membaca resume sobat dan milik orang lain juga. Pikiran kita seringkali "melihat" apa yang kita harapkan untuk berada di sana daripada meluangkan waktu untuk meninjau dengan hati-hati. Salah satu trik yang dapat membantu adalah dengan membaca resume secara terbalik. Mulai di bagian bawah dan membaca kalimat terakhir atau membaca kalimat mundur. Ini akan merasa aneh, tapi itu akan membantu menghentikan pikiran sobat dari asumsi.

  15. Jadilah Diri Sobat Sendiri dan Biarkan Bersinar

  16. Ketika seseorang membaca resume sobat, mereka mendapatkan rasa siapa sobat didasarkan pada unsur visual, serta isi seluruh resume membentuk citra mental dari karakter dalam sebuah buku yang sobat baca. Aku bisa membaca resume dan menangkap jika penulis membenci pekerjaan masa lalu, jika mereka mencoba untuk pindah posisi karena mereka merasa tidak banyak yang dikerjakan untuk itu, atau jika mereka terlibat dan benar-benar memberikan kontribusi. Gunakan kata-kata yang mencerminkan pribadi sobat. Jika sobat adalah  jenis orang di belakang layar, sobat jangan menggunakan kata-kata yang menggambarkan  sebagai front-lines. Jujur menceritakan siapa sobat. Ketika pembaca berbicara kepada sobat secara pribadi, proyeksikan diri sobat untuk membangun kepercayaan mereka. Sobat dapat membacanya di article 10 Good Ways to 'Tell Me About Your Self'. Jika ada konflik , pembaca akan bingung mengenai siapa diri sobat yang sebenarnya. Ingat, mereka hanya percaya sekitar setengah dari apa yang sobat katakan, karena banyak resume yang overstated atau dilebih-lebihkan sehingga konsistensi dan kejujuran membangun kredibilitas.

Three Common Interview Mistakes for College Students -- And How to Avoid Them

Three Common Interview Mistakes for College Students -- And How to Avoid Them

Employers at interview and other career events often mention "poor interview preparation" among even the best and brightest applicants for their positions. This can refer to a number of things, including demonstrating an apparent lack of enthusiasm for the industry or not understanding the nature of the organization's mission or service. However, many students struggle with addressing some of the most basic interview scenarios due to lack of experience or forethought.

By : Geoff Falen : Director of Career Connections, St. Lawrence University

  1. "Why Don't You Tell Me About Yourself?"

  2. This is actually one of the hardest questions for college students or recent grads to answer. In conducting mock interviews, I've observed two frequent approaches. The first is the student who starts with an exhaustive and time-consuming chronological list of achievements or life events. This means your interviewer is bored and/or annoyed by the time you're approaching something relevant or interesting, which does not set a good tone for the rest of the interview. Generally speaking, if you start your answer with junior high or worse -- elementary school -- it's not a good sign.

    The second version is when the candidate begins the answer with, "I'd be perfect for this job because..." I call this response "premature explanation." Yes, it's good to be eager and to demonstrate your passion, but you still have to answer the question in front of you.

    Rather than either of those strategies, try to strike a balance between giving too much information and jumping straight into your justification for applying. To do this, you should provide information about yourself, starting with your current academic background or interests. For a more complete picture, you could include what influenced you to choose your major or university. Next provide a broad overview of co-curricular activities (particularly if they demonstrate traits or experience helpful to the job -- i.e., teamwork, organization, leadership, communication skills, etc.) and close with perhaps something you like or do in your off-time that demonstrates a bit of personality, character, or motivation, such as service, a sport or hobby.

  3. "Why Are You Interested In This Position?"

  4. Yes, you'll be asked this, or some variant. Interviewers tend to take poor answers as evidence of disinterest or lack of commitment to the field. Unfortunately, many students have significant trouble articulating their reasons for applying. This is because they haven't given sufficient thought to why they want to do the job, figuring that demonstrating interest is enough by itself. The interviewer knows you're interested because you applied. So did every other applicant, which means you need to differentiate yourself by your answer. And the best time to think about framing your response is well before the interview, not immediately after hearing the question.

    How do you address this question properly? Read the job description and research the organization in order to get a sense of what it does, who the audience is, then consider how your experience fits that field. Depending on your background, there are a variety of possible responses to start with. Variants might include "I've studied this area from a theoretical perspective, and I'm interested in seeing how that knowledge applies in practice" or "I see this as an opportunity to learn more about XYZ field" and "My prior internship experience has showed me that I really enjoy working with this population, and this position would allow me to help others while continuing to develop professionally." The crucial part is to follow up these broad statements with additional information and examples demonstrating what you learned or did, how you think it applies to the company and how it will enable you to perform the job successfully.

  5. Behavioral Interview Questions: Beware The Overshare!

  6. While some personal anecdotes can be used effectively in an interview, naïve interviewees sometimes pick inappropriate stories. This can happen easily during behavioral interview questions, which take past behavior as evidence of how you will perform in the future. I once heard a student discuss -- at unfortunate length -- an alcohol-fueled incident as a prior example of successful teamwork ("we put the fire out before anyone got hurt"). Next was the student who claimed that lying to her parents was an appropriate way to handle an ethical dilemma. Maybe so, but as an interviewer, I'd prefer examples that demonstrate your capacity for honesty and don't involve your dating life.

    Among other things, a prospective employer is judging how you will represent the organization, so you need to show you are capable of professional judgment and discretion. Try to pick examples from class, summer jobs, internships and other activities that will translate effectively to the work environment and prove your maturity to the employer. This means that even if you're interviewing at an organic farm, it's not appropriate to exhibit your commitment to the cause by discussing the basement herbal project you've been cultivating for the past six months.

    Don't let poor judgment and lack of planning torpedo your interview. Study your career center's interview practice questions and pre-select your stories and strategies. Do mock interviews with a counselor, video your performance and ask for comments. Alternatively, you could participate in an alumni interview program, find an online interview feedback site, or connect with a faculty or other mentor for presentation assistance. With some planning and practice, you can avoid missteps and handle these interview situations effectively and with confidence.

Tips for Managing Stress and Change at Work

Stres adalah mekanisme pertahanan alami tubuh sobat yang membantu sobat bertahan hidup dengan mengingatkan sobat untuk bahaya dan mempersiapkan tubuh sobat untuk bertindak. Ketika sobat merasa terjebak atau terancam sobat mengalami sensasi fisik seperti peningkatan denyut jantung, keram perut, ketegangan otot, sakit kepala, muntah, sesak atau tekanan di dada atau berkeringat, ini adalah perasaan yang kita mengidentifikasi sebagai stres.

Sobat Hots Spotz stres di tempat kerja adalah normal, stres yang berlebihan dapat mengganggu produktivitas dan berdampak fisik dan kesehatan emosional nan kemampuan sobat untuk mengatasinya, dapat berarti perbedaan antara keberhasilan atau kegagalan. Sobat tidak dapat mengendalikan segala sesuatu di lingkungan kerja sobat, tapi itu tidak berarti sobat tidak berdaya-bahkan ketika sobat terjebak dalam situasi yang sulit. Mencari cara untuk mengelola stres di tempat kerja bukan tentang membuat perubahan besar atau memikirkan kembali ambisi karir, melainkan tentang fokus pada satu hal yang selalu dalam kendali sobat.

Emosi dan stres berdampak pada kualitas interaksi sobat dengan orang lain. Semakin baik sobat dalam mengelola stres, akan berdampak positif untuk orang-orang di sekitar sobat.

Penyebab umum stres kerja yang berlebihan
  • Takut di PHK (pecat bro)
  • Kerja lembur karena kekurangan karyawan
  • Tekanan untuk melakukan, memenuhi, dan  meningkatkan harapan tetapi tanpa peningkatan terhadap kepuasan kerja
  • Tekanan untuk bekerja pada tingkat optimal - sepanjang waktu!
Sobat Hots Spotz dapat belajar bagaimana mengelola stres di tempat kerja
Ada berbagai langkah yang dapat diambil untuk mengurangi tingkat stres sobat baik secara keseluruhan di pekerjaan dan di tempat kerja. Ini termasuk:
  • Mengambil tanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan fisik dan kesejahteraan emosional.
  • Menghindari perangkap dengan mengidentifikasi kebiasaan buruk dan sikap negatif yang menambah stres sobat alami di tempat kerja.
  • Belajar keterampilan komunikasi yang lebih baik untuk memudahkan dan meningkatkan hubungan sobat dengan manajemen dan rekan kerja.
  • Luangkan waktu untuk santai. Ketika stres meningkat di tempat kerja, cobalah untuk mengambil istirahat sebentar dan menjauh dari situasi stres. Berjalan-jalan di luar tempat kerja jika mungkin, atau menghabiskan beberapa menit bermeditasi beberapa di ruang istirahat. Gerakan fisik atau mencari tempat yang tenang untuk mendapatkan kembali keseimbangan sobat dengan cepat dan dapatmengurangi stres.
  • Membicarakannya dengan seseorang. Dalam beberapa situasi, hanya berbagi pikiran dan perasaan dengan seseorang yang sobat percaya dapat membantu mengurangi stres. Berbicara atas masalah dengan seseorang yang baik mendukung dan empati dapat menjadi cara yang bagus untuk melepaskan uap dan mengurangi stres.
  • Terhubung dengan orang lain di tempat kerja. Mengembangkan persahabatan dengan beberapa rekan kerja dapat membantu menyangga sobat dari efek negatif dari stres. Ingatlah untuk mendengarkan mereka dan menawarkan dukungan ketika mereka membutuhkan juga.
  • Carilah humor dalam situasi tersebut. Ketika digunakan secara tepat, humor adalah cara yang bagus untuk menghilangkan stres di tempat kerja. Bila sobat atau orang di sekitar sobat mulai mengambil hal-hal terlalu serius, menemukan cara untuk meringankan suasana hati dengan berbagi lelucon atau cerita lucu.
Tip 1 : 
Ketika gejala-gejala fisik stres atau panik terjadi, hal yang baik adalah menerima, tidak melawan. Menerima akan menghentikan sobat merasa tidak memadai, yang akan membantu sobat untuk fokus pada langkah berikutnya.

Tip 2 :
Tarik napas perlahan selama lima detik dan bernapas perlahan selama 10 detik. Ulangi ini selama lima sampai 10 menit. Dengan cara ini sobat dapat mengembalikan tubuh ke keadaan netral. Dari sini sobat memiliki kesempatan yang lebih baik untuk mengakses pikiran yang lebih positif.

Tip 3 :
Berhentilah menganalisa pikiran sobat. Sementara bernapas perlahan selama 5 sampai 10 menit, memungkinkan pikiran untuk tenang. Ini akan membantu sobat untuk kembali berpikir, yang mungkin tidak rasional, dan menghentikan pikiran negatif.

Tip 4 :
Memiliki satu memori yang sangat positif dalam pikiran sobat dan fokus pada itu terus menerus selama panik atau stres menyerang. Psikolog telah menunjukkan bahwa optimis mengalami rasio 3:1 dari positif terhadap emosi negatif. Berfokus pada citra mental yang positif membantu mengembalikan keseimbangan emosional sobat.

Tip 5 :
Bila sobat telah tenang secara fisik dan mental, coba sobat bertanya pada diri sobat, apa yang sobat khawatir tentang dan apa yang dapat sobat lakukan tentang hal itu. Berfokus pada apa yang dapat sobat lakukan, bukan apa yang tidak bisa mengembalikan rasa percaya diri sobat dan kontrol diri.

Tip 6 :
Berhenti berfokus pada kegagalan masa lalu atau masalah di masa depan. Sobat akan menjadi lebih tahan terhadap stres karena sobat dapat menerima keadaan.

Tip 7 :
Luangkan waktu setidaknya 15 menit setiap hari pada diri sobat dalam ketenangan dan berpikir positif. Dengan kondisi ini, otak sobat akan menjadi akrab dengan otak kiri dan depan, berpikir yang lebih rasional dan kurang reaktif.

13 Ways Your Resume Can Say 'I'm Unprofessional'

13 Ways Your Resume Can Say 'I'm Unprofessional'

Hiring pros share the faux pas they find in real resumes, including wacky e-mail addresses, defunct phone numbers and cookie-cutter templates.

No offense, thebigcheese@domain.com, but if nobody has told you yet, we’re telling you now: That e-mail address is not making you look particularly professional.

Unprofessional e-mail addresses are just one way of sending hiring managers the wrong message. If you want to be taken seriously when you apply for jobs, you need to put some polish on your resume, your cover letter and everything contained therein. Hiring professionals repeatedly run across these red flags that scream “unprofessional.” A number of recruiters and HR managers shared with The Ladders common errors from their own professional experiences.

1. Random/cute/shared e-mail accounts

E-mail accounts are free. There’s no reason not to sign up for your own. Yet many mid-career professionals share an e-mail account with a significant other or the entire family, generating addresses such as dickandjane@domain.com or thesmiths@domain.com.. Also stay away from cutesy addresses. After all, butterfliesaremyfriend2010@domain.com, you can always share your admiration of Lepidoptera with colleagues after you’ve been hired. Ditto for offensive, flirtatious or sexual e-mail addresses.

Think we’re exaggerating? These are actual e-mail accounts cited by Jillian Zavitz, who’s responsible for hiring as the programs manager for TalktoCanada.com, an online English language-training course based in Canada. (We’ve changed the domain names to protect the innocent.)

Instead, adopt an address that incorporates the name you use professionally on your resume and cover letter.

2. Failure to proofread

Deidre Pannazzo, executive director at Inspired Resumes, said it’s “amazing” how many people submit resumes that contain “numerous typos and misspellings.” Even better than spell check, she said, is to have a friend review the document for you. “Make sure your dates are consistent, and that you don't confuse your story with overlapping time lines,” she said.

3. Bikini pictures

Resume experts advise against attaching pictures or any image files to a resume. They can “choke” an applicant tracking system (ATS), the software that automatically scans and parses resumes. In addition, hiring professionals warn against giving anyone a reason to prejudge and form a negative opinion based on your appearance. Indeed, some HR departments will immediately discard resumes with photos to avoid any possible accusations of discrimination on this basis.

But still applicants send photos. Most troublesome of all, said Zavitz, are the beach shots. “(No) pictures where you are in a bikini at the beach (real story, and it wasn't a flattering picture either) or at a New Year’s party with your friends (obviously drunk). Not cool.”

4. Unprofessional voicemail 

If your resume is strong enough to convince the recruiter or hiring manager to reach for the telephone, be sure what he finds at the other end of the line represents you in the best light – that means your voicemail or whoever might answer the phone.

Marlane Perry, managing director of the Executive Search Division of Magill Associates, said she is unimpressed when a phone number on a resume leads her to an unprofessional recorded voicemail or a conversation with a third party who can’t be trusted to take a message. “If you don't trust your roommates to answer the phone and take a decent message, then only list your cell phone,” she said.

5. Lazy words, ‛etc.’

Perry said that use of “etc.” on a resume is a sign of laziness: The job seeker obviously “can't even take the time to list out all of [his] duties.” She has seen the error on both junior- and executive-level resumes. Another no-no is saying "same as above" anywhere on a resume. “If you had similar job functions at your last two jobs, summarize the responsibilities and then bullet out some of your accomplishments,” she suggested.

6. Cookie-cutter resumes

Samantha Goldberg is a celebrity event designer and TV personality who’s always looking for employees for administrative duties or to help plan an event. She said she often reviews resumes and cover letters that aren’t even vaguely customized for her business.

“It’s more like ‛Mad Libs’ — they just fill in our name as they send them off!” she said. “Just once, I would love to have them describe me on the cover letter instead of saying that they respect my career status and have been following my career.”

On many occasions, Goldberg said, she specifically lists a prerequisite of at least three years’ experience with planning events that does not include friends, family or applicants’ own weddings. “They obviously don’t read my prerequisites and send an e-mail stating that even though they haven’t orchestrated events for anyone they have always been told they should be in the industry if I would just give them a chance.

7. Everything but the kitchen sink 

“I don't care, nor have time, to read about your life story,” Zavitz said. “If you can't whittle your resume down to a page or two at max, I will not read it. If it's not related [to the job or your work history], don't include it.”

8-13. ad infinitum...

Larry Lambeth, president of Employment Screening Services Inc., which helps companies review job applicants, offered a laundry list of professional gaffes he’s seen on resumes and job applications:
Listing a spouse as a reference
Not spelling out the name of an employer or school (“LSU” instead of “Louisiana State University” or “ZDE” instead of “Ziff Davis Enterprise”)
Not providing a city or state for an employer or school
Omitting the area code from a phone number for a reference or employer
Providing only a first name for a supervisor or reference
Including phone numbers that are no longer in service for references or employers.

By Lisa Vaas

10 Good Ways to 'Tell Me About Your Self'

10 Good Ways to 'Tell Me About Your Self'

Good Ways to 'Tell Me About Your Self'
'If Hollywood made a movie about my life, it would be called...' and nine more memorable answers to this dreaded job interview question.

Next time you’re faced with the dreaded, “Tell me about yourself…” question, try these:

1. “I can summarize who I am in three words.”Grabs their attention immediately. Demonstrates
     your ability to be concise, creative and compelling.

2. “The quotation I live my life by is…”Proves that personal development is an essential part of
     your growth plan. Also shows your ability to motivate yourself.

3. “My personal philosophy is…”Companies hire athletes – not shortstops. This line indicates
     your position as a thinker, not just an employee.

4. “People who know me best say that I’m…”This response offers insight into your own level of

5. “Well, I googled myself this morning, and here’s what I found…”Tech-savvy, fun, cool people
     would say this. Unexpected and memorable.

6. “My passion is…”People don’t care what you do – people care who you are. And what you’re
     passionate about is who you are. Plus, passion unearths enthusiasm.

7. “When I was seven years old, I always wanted to be…”An answer like this shows that you’ve
     been preparing for this job your whole life, not just the night before.

8. “If Hollywood made a move about my life, it would be called…”Engaging, interesting and

9. “Can I show you, instead of tell you?”Then, pull something out of your pocket that represents
     who you are. Who could resist this answer? Who could forget this answer?

10. “The compliment people give me most frequently is…”Almost like a testimonial, this response
      also indicates self-awareness and openness to feedback.

Keep in mind that these examples are just the opener. The secret is thinking how you will follow up each answer with relevant, interesting and concise explanations that make the already bored interviewer look up from his stale coffee and think, “Wow! That’s the best answer I’ve heard all day!” Ultimately it’s about answering quickly, it’s about speaking creatively and it’s about breaking people’s patterns.

By Scott Ginsberg

10 Ways To Works Better With Bos

10 Ways To Works Better With Bos

Bosses: You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. Like it or not, most of us must deal with a boss, and the way we do so affects not just our career advancement and our salary, but also our mental well-being. Here are some tips on how to get along better with your boss.

1: Remember that your boss just might have useful insights

Think you have a clueless boss? Remember the words of Mark Twain, who once said that when he was 14, his father was so stupid it was unbearable. Then, he continued, when he became 21, he was amazed at how much his father had learned in just seven years. Your boss might be smarter than you think, and maybe later in your career, you will appreciate that fact. Regardless, a bad boss can still offer good advice.

I remember what a boss from years ago told me about the workplace. He said I should be aggressive and find out what people needed done rather than sit back and wait for assignments.

Think of it this way: You still can learn from a bad boss. Analyze why that boss is a bad boss and then resolve to avoid those things if you ever become a boss yourself. As the cynic reminds us, even a stopped clock is correct twice a day.

2: Know your boss’ objectives

Software developers often concern themselves with “traceability.” The requirements for a software system must directly or indirectly be tied, or traced, to the objectives of the company. In theory, therefore, any requirement that lacks such traceability should be considered irrelevant and removed.

In the same way, try to see the bigger picture. You need to know what the boss expects of you (see the next tip). But at the same time, you need to understand how your job helps the boss. Make sure that what you’re doing not only meets your own job description but helps the boss achieve his or her own objectives.

3: Know what your boss expects of you

When I was young, I once complained to my mother that I had nothing to do. “Calvin,” she answered, “Why don’t you practice piano?” That was the last time I ever complained to her about that topic.

Ignorance of your parents’ wishes may be fine when you’re a child, but ignorance (willful or otherwise) of your boss’s expectations can kill your career. How can you expect a good performance evaluation if you’re unaware of how you’re going to be measured? If you know your objectives, are they quantifiable? If so, both of you will have an easier time during your evaluation.

Every once in a while, check with your boss about what you’re doing and what you’ve accomplished and make sure your boss has that same understanding. If your boss has issues with your performance, it’s better for both of you that you know sooner rather than later, so you have time to make adjustments.

In a perfect world, no surprises should arise during your performance review. If they do, either your boss didn’t communicate the objectives or you failed to understand them. Don’t let that happen to you.

4: Be low maintenance

Don’t be the “problem employee,” the one the boss always has to check up and follow up on. Instead, try to be the one the boss can depend on. It might not be apparent immediately, but a good boss will recognize and appreciate that trait.

Are you going to be perfect in your work? Of course not. You’re probably going to make a mistake or create a problem at least once. However, when that happens, and you go to your boss (as you should, as mentioned below), try to go not just with the report of the problem. Think of some solutions and be prepared to offer your recommendations to your boss.

5: Don’t surprise your boss

Don’t let your boss be blindsided by bad news. In other words, “fee up” if you created a problem or made a mistake. It’s better that bad news about you should come from you — not from a customer, not from a co-worker, and absolutely not from your boss’s boss. Did you have a negative interaction with an abusive caller or customer? As soon as the call is finished, call your boss and give a briefing. Tell the boss who you spoke with, why that person is upset, and what the boss can expect to hear from that person. Also give your side of the story.

The same advice applies to good news as well. Let your boss know about your successes. Otherwise, your boss might give the impression of being unaware of them when his or her own boss offers congratulations.

6: Acknowledge your boss in your successes

The moment has arrived: You’re in front of your group, receiving an award or other recognition from your boss or your boss’ boss. An appropriate thing to do at this point is to recognize the people who made it possible, in particular your boss. It’s easy to do if your boss really did help you. What about the “difficult” boss, though? You should try to say something, but at the same time you probably should be truthful as well.

Remember what we discussed above — that even a bad boss can provide good insights and examples. Did your boss discourage you or make things difficult? Maybe, in that case, you could thank your boss for helping you “keep things in perspective” or for “serving as a sanity check” or for helping you “see the problem from multiple points of view.” Don’t push things, or you may start sounding cute and insincere. However, do try to say something about your boss’ help.

7: Don’t take criticism personally

Because most of us are so involved with our work, it’s hard to separate ourselves from it. So when someone criticizes our work, we view that criticism as a personal attack. Reacting that way can hinder our development and our progress. The next time your boss (or anyone else) criticizes your work, try pretending that the work was done by someone else. Then, examine it as a third party would and test the validity of the criticism.

A smart boss realizes that your success is tied to his or her own success. Therefore, the boss has an interest in your doing well. Furthermore, criticism from the boss could be a sign that the boss has high expectations from you. When I first began working, I was upset because my boss had given me a task that I thought was too hard. I discussed my concern with a friend of my father, who worked in the same area as I did. Though it happened years ago, I still remember that friend’s advice. “Calvin,” he said, “[name of boss] gave you that task because he thinks you can do a good job.”

8: Remember your boss has a boss

We discussed earlier the importance of knowing your boss’ objectives. In the same vein, be aware that your boss has a boss as well. You can use that fact to build a collaborative relationship with your own boss, because both of you have a common objective of making the boss’ boss happy and making your boss look good. Having that collaborative relationship gives your boss a better impression of you and gives you visibility to your boss’ boss.

9: Don’t upstage your boss

Upstaging your boss can limit your career mobility. Therefore, be careful of correcting your boss in public, as someone did to my father once. While he was making a group presentation, he referred to Worcester Polytechnic Institute. In doing so, he correctly pronounced it as “Woo-ster.” This person spoke up, saying, “Wellington, you’re wrong. It’s ‘Woo-ches-ter.’” Fortunately, my father was smart, deflecting the comment with the following answer: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. English is only my fifth language.” My father humorously defused the situation. However, the fact that after all these years I still hear this story tells you what my father thought of that correction and the person who made it.

There’s one instance when it’s okay to correct your boss in public: when your boss mistakenly thinks he or she made a mistake but really didn’t. Suppose your boss quotes a figure while giving a presentation. He or she then stops and says, “I’m sorry, I think I made a mistake.” If you know the boss was originally correct, it’s fine at that point to interrupt and say, “No, [boss' name], you’re correct.”

10: Manage your boss when necessary

Getting ahead in your career requires more than just sitting back and waiting for assignments. You must take initiative, looking for opportunities and problems to be solved. In doing so, take advantage of any organizational power your boss might have. Explain to your boss your plans and why they represent a good business decision. Then, ask your boss to fight any bureaucratic battles that may arise and to run interference for you. In doing so, you recognize the boss is the boss. However, you are directing your boss, in taking advantage of pull that you possibly lack.

By Calvin Sun.

10 Reasons Should Quit Your Job

Career Advice

You've done everything you can to make your current job work. But, your current job is not working. These are the top ten reasons why you might want to quit your job. These are difficult, if not impossible, to solve. You need to look out for your best interests. Your job consumes too many hours of too many days of your life for you to stay where you are - miserable. No excuses, now. If these issues exist with your job, make a plan, and find new jobs.
  1. Your company is experiencing a downward spiral, losing customers, losing money, and rumors of possible closure, bankruptcy and failure prevail.

  2. Your relationship with your manager is damaged beyond repair. You have sought help to mend the boss relationship but you know it is too damaged for recovery. (Perhaps you were untrustworthy, missed work on too many days, or the manager acts like an untrustworthy jerk.) Whatever the reason, the relationship is irrecoverably damaged.

  3. Your life situation has changed. Perhaps you have married or had a baby, and the salary and benefits no longer support your life needs. You need to move on to better opportunities to support your family.

  4. Your values are at odds with the corporate culture. Perhaps your company is egalitarian and you believe in assigned . parking spots for salaried employees. Your company does annual employee satisfaction surveys and you think these are a waste of time. Your company is hierarchical and  you want to influence every aspect of your job. No matter where the clash is occurring, a lack of congruence with the corporate culture will destroy your attitude at work.

  5. You've stopped having fun and enjoying your job. No matter what changed, when you dread going to work in the morning, it's time to leave your job.

  6. Your company is ethically challenged. Perhaps, the managers lie to customers about the quality of the products or the day on which product will ship. You become aware that the company is stealing information from competitors. Whatever the issue, don't stay in an organization where your ethics are out of sync.

  7. For whatever reason, you have behaved in ways that are considered improper at work.You've missed too many days of work, slacked off on the job, failed to maintain needed skills and just generally developed the reputation of a loser. That reputation, once earned, is unlikely to change, so you might as well move on, while you have the opportunity.

  8. You've burned your bridges with your co-workers. Your group is not getting along in an environment that requires people to work together well. Again, at some point, the reasons don't matter; start fresh in a new job and resolve to not let this situation happen again.

  9. Your stress level is so high at work that it is affecting your physical or mental health and your relationships with your friends and family. Watch for the signs of burnout and if they can't be cured, move on. Read this article, Tips for Managing Stress and Change at Work for some ideas about managing work stress.

  10. And the top ten reason for leaving your current miserable job - you are unchallenged, need more responsibility, and seek opportunities that just don't exist for you in your current organization.You've explored the current and potential options, and they are limited. It's time to move on.
By Paul Conrath / Getty

10 Hal Penyebab Pemecatan Kerja

10 Hal Penyebab Pemecatan Kerja

Kebanyakan orang memulai pekerjaan mereka dengan baik, mereka tidak pernah tau kapan akan di pecat. Kita mungkin tidak sadar bahwa ada hal-hal kecil yang membuat kita bisa dipecat dari pekerjaan.

Untuk menjaga semua itu, pastikan untuk menghindari 10 hal penyebab pemecatan kerja

1.   Berbohong di Curiculum Vitae

      Katakan sejujurnya sejak awal mengenai latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman kerja dan
      lain-lain. Karena kamu akan bertanggung jawab dengan informasi yang kamu berikan karena
      perusahaan akan mengeceknya.

2.   Secara Terbuka Mencari Pekerjaan Baru

      Jika kamu sedang mencari pekerjaan baru, jangan mengunakan komputer kantor untuk
      mengirim lamaran. Kebanyakan perusahan memonitor melalui departemen IT.

3.   Suka Gosip

      Kita tidak tahu siapa yang mendengarkan, jaman sekarang tembok punya kuping.....Intinya
      jauhin gosippppp.

4.   Banyak Menerima Telpon Pribadi

      Ada batasan antara waktu kerja, tidak menerima telpon yang bersifat pribadi pada saat jam
      kerja. Cepika cepiki di jam istirahat ya hehehehehehe.....

5.   Mabuk Saat Kerja

      Ups.... Salahhhhh, Itu ma cari modar sendiri hehehehe.

6.   Surfing Internet Trus

      Korban teknologi,maklum autis... up-date status trus, pekerjaan dilupakan. Bahaya

7.   Terjadi Hubungan Asmara Dengan Bos

      Wow love in the office, biasanya klo cek-cok akan ada yang keluar. Pastinya bukan bos.

8.   Lupa Mengecek Kembali Pekerjaan

      Kesalahan kecil bisa berakibat fatal, merugikan perusahaan.

9.   Mengasingkan Diri Dari Rekan Kerja

      Bekerjalah secara efektif, kita perlu bekerja sama, memberi dukungan dan semangat
      sesama rekan kerja.

10. Menyalahkan Orang Lain

      Jika berbuat salah, akui itu kesalahan kita. Jangan menyalahkan orang lain, apalagi cuci
      tangan. Tidak ada yang akan percaya kepada pembohong.

Say, Jennifer Star.